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KEYWORD "Eric Pickles" - 4 RESULTS
Industry protests work ā€“ so keep them up

It’s been a heartening few weeks for those of us who thought that protest was dead – or, more precisely, that...

09 September 2016

From: Features

Welcome for government U-turn over duty surcharge on granny annexes

There has been a broad welcome for what would appear to be a government U-turn over the imposition of the stamp...

13 April 2016

From: Breaking News

Ex-Cabinet member Pickles to ask Osborne to amend stamp duty surcharge

The former secretary of state at the Department of Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles, is to write to Chancellor George...

05 April 2016

From: Breaking News

A victory V sign to the housing sector?

The Conservatives’ election victory came as a surprise, so much so that television pundits spent all night after the vote rubbishing...

15 May 2015

From: Features

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